There’s never a bad time to review the condition of your home’s heating system to be certain it’s in working order. As a rule of thumb it’s usually cheaper to identify and manage any needed Furnace Repair Elgin IL as soon as possible. To help our customers know when to call Elgin Sheet Metal for professional service or to consider replacing the unit, here are a few key signs to watch for:
*Effective lifespans can vary depending on manufacture and design, but furnaces will typically last around 15 to 20 years. If your unit is in this age range, it’s most likely near the end of its usefulness.
*When you require frequent Furnace Repair Elgin IL. Apart from routine maintenance, heating replacement is due if the cost of repairs total up to more than half the cost of a new furnace.
*When your furnace starts to make unusual sounds like clanking or banging. This obvious but sometimes overlooked symptom means that something is not working correctly and could benefit from service by one of our experienced techs.
*If you or someone in your household have been experiencing allergies, sneezing or some other out-of-the-ordinary health issues it could be related to a Furnace Repair Elgin IL. Aging furnaces can be coated with dust, mold and mildew after being in use for so many years. When these contaminants circulate into your home, the result will be poor indoor air quality.
*A sudden jump in your monthly heating costs could be a result of your heating unit becoming less and less efficient. When you schedule an appointment with Elgin Sheet Metal, we’ll evaluate your system and make a recommendation on which Furnace Repair Elgin IL will bring the solutions you need.
Don’t wait to call our Service Department at 847-742-3486 if you’re seeing any of these telltale indicators of a furnace in decline! We’re industry experts at all aspects of HVAC ready with affordable solutions that will keep your home comfortable.

Elgin Sheet Metal for all your furnace needs!