Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL

Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL – Elgin Sheet Metal – Call 847-742-3486

Air conditioning systems must be maintained in optimal condition. After all, you need yours to consistently cool the living spaces in your home when temperatures outside start to climb. Proper maintenance by Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL professionals will ensure your AC provides you with a prolonged lifespan.

Elgin Sheet Metal – 847-742-3486

However, at some point even air conditioners that receive regular upkeep will wear down and need replacement. Determining when that time comes varies for each homeowner. There are no firm rules that indicate when it’s time to start shopping for your next air conditioning unit. But there are definitely some unmistakable clues your AC will provide that indicate you should contact Elgin Sheet Metal for a free estimate on a new unit.

Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL

Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL

Consider the installation date of your current cooling system. Older air conditioners, just like older furnaces, perform less efficiently than newer models. Generally, homeowners should start looking at replacements if their AC is over 10 years old. If it’s over 15 years old, replacement will probably be needed soon.

Homeowners will often inquire what are the contributing factors that impact the lifespan of their air conditioner. Just like a car, it’s important to schedule consistent tune-ups and service maintenance on your system by Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL experts.

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Some homeowners will assume that once their AC stops working or encounters a problem for the first time and the warranty isn’t active, that it’s time for replacement. Or, other homeowners might put in more money to get repairs done even if they’re expensive and will only keep the system functioning for a few more years. It’s a decision that plays a big role in wow long an air conditioner lasts.

Call 847-742-3486 – Elgin Sheet Metal

Along with maintenance by a Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL provider, some other factors that influence the lifespan of your AC include:

-Quality installation.
-The amount of monthly usage.
-Your preferred comfort settings for your home.
-Weather conditions, such as excess humidity.
-Air quality.

Obviously, an air conditioner that’s used more frequently than average will get more wear than a unit that runs for only a few months throughout the year. In the Chicagoland region, we must contend with hot, muggy summer seasons, so your air conditioning must work hard to maintain dependable comfort in your home.

Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL

Personal preferences also play a big role, too. For instance, if you decide to set your AC at 70 degrees every day in the summer, it will have to run more frequently and consume more energy than if you set it at 78. Take this basic example and apply to a 10 or 15-year time period. With a comparable maintenance schedule, and you’ll see the difference in usage each unit.

The number one guideline with any major component of your Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL is that preventive maintenance is important. When was the most recent visit an HVAC professional had to your home for an air conditioner tune-up? Are you diligent about changing the air filters? And if you have an outdoor unit, do you keep it clear of dirt and leaves to it doesn’t clog up?

Need HVAC Repair? Call 847-742-3486

It is critical to stay current with maintenance if you wish to prolong the lifespan of your AC system. It’s easy for homeowners to inspect and change out an air filter when necessary. Furthermore, scheduling a tune-up allows our Heating and Cooling Service Hoffman Estates IL technicians to find minor issues before they worsen and cause problems.