If your Air Conditioning West Dundee IL has simply stopped functioning because it’s worn out, or it still functions but not as well as you’d like, Elgin Sheet Metal has the economical solutions that will keep your home cool and comfortable. Here are some common signs that your air conditioner is due for repairs or replacement by our experienced service techs:
* If your unit is older than 10 or 15 years, plan on replacing it fairly soon. After evaluating your home’s HVAC setup we can help you select which new, efficient unit would be the smartest choice for you.
* Repairs needed with increasing frequency. While central air conditioning systems age, a variety of components can start to malfunction and require frequent service calls. If yours seems to failing more often lately, it could possibly be for a new system.
* Another indicator you could need a new Air Conditioning West Dundee IL system is if your existing one keeps running too long without actually cooling your home. Problems could be with the ductwork or impending equipment failure.
* A noisy air conditioner means trouble. Much like a furnace emitting strange sounds, noises coming from your Air Conditioning West Dundee IL are likely a call for service or replacement.
* Humidity inside. Mugginess outside is normal during the summer, but when humidity increases inside your home it’s probably a sign of air conditioning troubles. Your system may not be the correct size, which means it will not be able to effectively cool your home.
* Dust in the air. Your central air conditioner is made to filter out dust and other potentially harmful air particles from circulating in your home. If you are seeing an increasing amount of dust there could be leaks in your ductwork or the system might be nearing the end of its lifespan.
For more on our solutions to your Air Conditioning West Dundee IL, give our Service Department a call at 847-741-3486.

West Dundee relies on Elgin Sheet Metal for expert air conditioning repairs and replacement!